Lets Digitize India

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As we all know, Digital India is an initiative of our beloved Government of India to integrate the government departments and the people of India. It aims at ensuring the government services are made available to citizens electronically by reducing paperwork. The initiative also includes plan to connect rural areas with high-speed internet networks. Digital India has three core components. These include the creation of digital infrastructure, delivering services digitally and digital literacy.

Vision Of Digital India:

Make all Public Services accessible to the common man in his locality, through common service delivery outlets and ensure efficiency, transparency and reliability of such services at affordable costs to realize the basic needs of the common man

Even though this project is slated for completion by 2019, with global tech giants such as Intel fostering our government’s vision of a Digital India through its ‘Digital Skills for India’ and ‘Innovate for India’ initiatives, the project can complete way sooner than the planned date. Intel has been fostering technology as the enabler for creating a digitized India.

Why to Digitize?

Digitizing India is process of evolution. We live in 21st century where everything is getting modernized and digitized. If we still use paper and pen and loads of manual record books at every office, it will look like we haven’t evolved. When whole world is booking tickets online, if we stand in queue to do the same, we go a step backwards in making India a developed nation. So to evolve as a nation and make India a Developed nation we have to Digitize India.

How to Digitize?

We know a fair bit about digitizing. It means making it available online to the world wide web. Digitizing India is like digitizing a Brand. Just like how we promote and market a brand to more exposure in social media, similar steps needs to follow to Digitize India. Nations bright minds have collaborated and came up with National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) as a solution to Digitize India. The plan is to make all government services available via electronic media to the every citizen of India.

How e-Governance helps Digitize India?

e-Governance makes the Government Smart. Through usage of e-Governance common man gets empowered. Through its usage all government services will be available to citizens in a convenient, efficient and transparent manner. The transparency which is much needed in a democracy can be bought back through e-Governance. It is also a wonderful tool to bring accountability and whistle blowing in India. Efficient e-governance is an innovative way to deliver government services and exchange information with citizens in a convenient and transparent way, saving both time and money. Increase in smartphones and internet access can surge the growth of e-governance. With many nations following this path, we can take a leaf out of their books as experience and fasten our process. Also with many multilateral organizations upping efforts to share e-governance experience such as Intel through its ‘Digital Skills for India’ and ‘Innovate for India’ initiatives fostering technology for #DigitialIndia & Better tomorrow.  With innovative apps and technology which can reach common men, we can surely Digitize India and make it top of the developed nation list.

Lets Join hands with INTEL and make #DigitalIndia !!


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