Healthy Child Healthy Home

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A healthy child makes for a healthy home is a universal fact. Let me explain this using a live example from the past.

Kids are always lively be it home, outdoors or even schools. They spread the cheers which lightens up the mood for everyone surrounding them. My neighbor had a young kid who goes to play school . Due to that most part of the day he is at home only. As both of his parents work they leave the kid at my home under the care of my mom. I used to work in night shift during that time.

My mom will pick him up from nearby play school around 12 noon. And immediately upon arrival he will demand to switch on the cartoon channel . I will wake up due to the noise and laughter. Even though sometimes it is annoying to be disturbed during sleep it become a routine and I used that as an excuse to wake up instead of alarm.

I will get freshened up and have lunch with him and play a little before leaving to office. He was so lively that he never stays in a same place for even ten minutes. He will ask stupid and silly questions, drag us to play with him. That will make us forget the worldly worries and reduce the stress and tension. I used to go to office with a fresh mindset and that used to reflect in my work too.

One day he was diagnosed with chicken pox. So his mom took leave to take care of him. He was bed ridden for a week or so. It was the most boring and sad week of my life. To see the lively kid stagnant in the same place was not a sight to remember. Our home was not like before. It felt lonely and even in office I couldn’t fully concentrate as so many thoughts were going on and on through the mind. I was so relived after he was fully fit and regained his old form.

Home will become a happy home only when it’s residents are happy. We adults always have something in mind causing us tension and stress. So when some kids are around us, they take us to their level where everything is carefree and life is full of fun. So that proves happy kids make a happy home. And they will be happy only when they are healthy. And it spreads to the home members. So healthy kids make a healthy home.

Dabur Chyawanprash, a time-tested, age-old formulation has a number of herbs like Amla, known to be one of the best antioxidants, Giloy (Guduchi), known to have immuno-modulatory properties, and more than 40 other natural ingredients. Dabur Chyawanprash increases Immunity by 3 times* & hence protects against illness. So start giving the healthy formula to your children and keep your home and family healthy.

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