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Once upon a time there lived a boy named Albish Singhal. He was so mad about movies that he watches at least one movie per day before going to sleep. He was in his teenage enjoying his carefree life with his friends. Due to his carefree life he ended up getting only arts and science college when most of his friends enrolled in engineering and medical colleges. He was so sad and depressed. It was his first day at new college. He was sitting all alone in the last bench.The Staff asked everyone to introduce themselves by coming to the podium in front. His turn came and he went to the podium.

Just when he was about to say ‘Hi friends’, one beautiful voice distracted him which sounded ‘Excuse me sir‘. The voice was sweet like a voice of an angel. He immediately turned his head towards the door as the voice was coming from that side. There was a beautiful girl standing with a shocked smile look being late to college on the very first day. He was deeply impressed by her looks and was starting at her like forever. The staff who took a seat in middle row came front and asked the girl to introduce herself. She introduced herself and went to take a seat. Our hero was still in his dreamland. As the staff waved at him he then continued his introduction and went to his last row.

All through that period he was looking at the girl with Angelic voice. Once the period got over, she came to him and shook hands saying ‘ You do look like a professor’ and went with her friends for a break. He was left bewildered for a while. Days went on and he was always talking and thinking about her. As all friends do his friends also dared him to propose to the girl. Our hero being a movie manic wanted to impress her in Hollywood style to sweep her of her feet. He was always dreaming about it daily.

One fine Saturday he took the courage and went to girls house with his guitar. He rang the door bell. When she came looking out, he sang the following song with playing guitar.

She was literally in tears and immediately hugged him and shouted ‘I LOVE YOU’ . Just when he was about to respond ‘I Love you too‘ a feeble voice says ‘Wake up and have breakfast. Its already noon’. He just couldn’t believe his luck as it was all a dream and his mom has waked him up.

He was very much frustrated, but still wanted to make his dream come true. So he took out his mobile and opened whatsapp and send her a ping ‘I Love You‘. Even after getting blue ticks, he din get a reply. So he sent the same ping again after some time. After getting no response for half a day, he sends ‘I Love you RASNA now in 3 rupee packs too 😛

Immediately she responds, Your parents has named you perfectly ALWAYS SINGLE !!

That TOING sound which came as notification sound for whatsapp was the only #SoundOfLove in our hero’s life so far.

And then one day our Hero stumbled upon the following video while browsing through Youtube.

So he immediately went to Bluestone.com and purchased the #SoundOfLove collection. He is now roaming in streets to find a perfect partner to share this lovely ring and sweep her off her feet.

“I am participating in the #SoundOfLove activity at BlogAdda in association with Bluestone

PS : This post is purely fiction. Any Resemblance to Actual Persons, Living or Dead, is Purely Coincidental

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