My Ultimate Dream Destination

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Its a gloomy morning after christmas, 26th of December . I wake myself up immediately when the alarm buzzes at 4:30 am. I get ready so fast as I was filled with too much excitement as I am finally stepping outside of India, to my dream destination. I go as early as possible to the airport, completing the hugging formalities with family after double checking the luggage’s as it is going to be trip of around 3 days in solitude.

I rush into the counter in airport to check in the luggage and get my boarding pass. Then I sat down in the waiting lounge eagerly thinking about all the adventures which awaits me in the destination. The wait elongated due to the long journey. It was an Air Asia flight with 1 stop at Kula lampur. The four hour journey to Kula Lumpur went in dreams with superb hospitality. The seven hour wait between connecting planes was excruciating. I tried to watch a movie in my iPad. As I couldn’t concentrate fully on it, I switched to music and played some games to keep myself busy during waiting hours.  Then the announcement came and its time to board the flight without any stops to my ultimate dream destination. I ran through the gates and sat at the window seat allocated to me. Took a nice little nap in the comfort of  cushions. It was 27th December morning around 9:30 AM, the flight landed on the ground, I jumped out of the seat and got down from the flight to keep my foot on MELBOURNE just like a Superstar 😛


Then began the most wonderful 3 days of my life.

I kept my luggage, got little freshened up and completed my breakfast at the Holiday Inn nearby the airport. I wanted to begin my journey by getting some history lessons about the Amazing Australia. So I headed to the Melbourne Museum which helped me gain knowledge about the history, Indigenous cultures, science and the environment about AUSTRALIA. The Forest gallery had amazing living creatures like kolo and the skeletons of dinosaur just reminded me of the movie “Night at the Museum” 😛 . I wandered into the Mind exhibition. It was such an unique experience with so much emotions and memories. After these rides, to relax a bit, I rested myself at the Museum cafe and had a sip of coffee.

Being alone, I joined in a conversation with a group of people at the cafe. They were also tourists and they came all the way from UK. They were planning to take a bicycle tour near Swanston Street & ST Kilda road as their next stop. I too joined them. The place is full of architecture marvels. The street arts, the public arts, all the buildings just looked like a wonder to me. It was so amazing. We took groupfies , selfies and so many photos to fill our memory cards. After spending the day enjoying the architecture wonders, the heritage and wildlife, we went to the pub called ‘The Standard’ and had a delicious dinner and parted ways.

After a decent enough sleep, it was day two of my adventure. As it was a Sunday, I started my day by going to the cathedrals and visited few churches also on the way. Then I dedicated this day to perform some outdoor and leisure activities. I went to Commando Skydivers to do what I dreamed I would do. Yes I did the Skydiving. The adrenaline rush was awesome. To keep the excitement going, I followed it up with the Balloon flight. It was wonderful to fly in a hot air balloon. The views were breathtaking. Later I went to Luna Park and Watermarc to get amused from these amazing amusement parks. The roller coaster ride was a legendary one. The Usage of trams to travel was a new experience for me as its non existent in where I come from. After a tiring day of adventure, I ended my day with an Australian BBQ. After a tummy full of delight, I went to bed looking at the pictures I captured the whole day.

Day 3 began with me going to the Yarra valley to experience the finest Vineyard in Melbourne. The wine tasted like honey and I couldn’t control myself from buying one 😀 . Even though it was only 3 days, I felt like I was missing my home food. So I searched in Google for some Indian restaurants near by. I was so surprised to find so many Indian restaurants. I went to the ‘Biryani House’ and got myself a yummy tasty biryani. Its was time to visit the penguins at the Philips Island. The Penguins were so lively and the parade is not a thing to miss during the visit. Coming from India, where cricket is a religion, How can I miss the MCG? On my way to Great Ocean road, I visited the MCG & its Museum to take some snaps. Then I went to Great Ocean road to take a peaceful short walk. The rocks and the settings were so picturesque which made me take so many snaps. As it was my last day, I had a lot of shopping to do. So I had to rush into Queen Victoria Market and The Rose St. Artists’ Market. I shopped so many things to fill my baggage. I even bought multiple Vinyl records which my dad loves.While shopping, I saw a sign in nearby salon  “Free beer with haircut”. So I took it as a souvenir and had a hair cut in Melbourne 🙂

I took the tram one last time and then a cab on my way to airport. All through my flight journey back home, I was going through the pictures to cherish the plethora of memories I gathered in these 3 days short trip.

Why it is my Ultimate Dream Destination?

I would take some time to explain why Melbourne is my Ultimate dream destination.

  • Melbourne is rated as the most livable city in the world.
  • The Culture, heritage and everything is so welcoming.
  • Food, Dining, wining are no match to others. Its a Global Gourmet City.
  • Street Arts are one of the best.
  • Shopping here is an awesome experience and cheap too.
  • Melbourne Cricket Ground 🙂
  • Travel in Hot Air Balloons.
  • Vinyl capital of the world.
  • Free beer during haircut 😛
  • People – They are so welcoming and helping in nature.

I had long dreamt about going there, so I utilized all my savings to finally fulfill my dreams. And these 3 days were worth it. I had one of the amazing adventure of my life. You too can have it. Just Visit Melbourne.

This Post is part of “What’s your reason for falling in love with Melbourne, the most livable city in the world? ” Contest by Indiblogger in association with Tourism Australia.

Get to know Melbourne :

Watch these Amazing videos to know what lies ahead in this adventure. COME ALIVE IN MELBOURNE.

PS: This is a complete fictional story and I have never stepped outside of INDIA in my life so far 🙂

Comment And Win:

Go to the below link and watch the Videos. After watching select any one place among those and comment below this post “Which among those places would you want to visit in Melbourne and why?”.

Link : Click here 

The Best Answer will win Rs.500/- worth Shopping Voucher.

Update: The winner is decided as ANDREW !! Congrats

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  1. says

    I would love to visit the 12 Apostles. The reason being, I will get to go for a ride in a helipad :P. Jokes apart, Well! The view from above is breathtakingly beautiful and looking at the ocean from above and the rocks changing color from sun rise to sunset. One would just love to spend the whole day up there looking at the beauty and the picturesque beauty would just leave you agog.

  2. Hephzhi says

    great post Dan. I would love to travel by hot air balloon as it certainly looks most interesting among the other stuffs posted in the videos. As i am scared of heights that would also make me clear my one of my fears.

    Good luck hope you win for this amazing post

  3. Suman Lata says

    Melbourne is a wonderful place and no doubt another place of heaven. I am in age of 60s so the peaceful things attract me a lot. I wish to visit Collingwood Children’s Farm, I will be happy to spend my time with my family and do those activities which I & my grandson & granddaughter hardly did in their childhood.

    Then I will sure visit some Indian restaurants because tasting Indian food in Melbourne style will be a great experience for all of us.

    Royal Botanic Gardens, a place I can take deep breathe and give peace to my mind. This old woman needs a place where she can walk and see the beauty of nature. See the art of God which is consolidated in Royal Botanic Garden.

  4. says

    Wonderful post and interesting videos that make me feel that
    Melbourne invites the eternal romantic in me to hold hands with my beloved and go see the Twelve Apostles .Go on long drives on the great ocean road. In the middle of nowhere in a vineyard spread a table and enjoy a meal and a glass of wine with my dear one. Enjoy the sunsets holding hands and do lots of shopping at the Queen Victoria Market and see all the graffiti being created at the hosier lane.
    Great Post and interesting videos watching them I am sure to visit Sovereign Hill for spending some time in the era gone by. The lure of gold and panning for some nuggets is a temptation that is too much to resist. After I have found the gold I am bound to celebrate it with some wine so I will visit the vineyards and enjoy some great wine from the Yarra region .Visit the Pannys Phillip Island Chocolate Factory and have my fill with this yummy delight.

  5. says

    MCG, the Australian mecca for cricket lovers. I would definitely like to be in Australia when either Indian team or the English team happens to be on tour, the nest time. Will be a memorable experience to watch the rivalry unfold right in front of my eyes, sitting right in the middle of MCG.

    – Ranjith (

  6. Preethi says

    After watching the videos of Rohan and Tanmay enjoying Melbourne, I am really feeling jealous of them and I would definitely love to visit the lovely places which they visited at least once in lifetime. One ride which I don’t want to miss is
    hot air balloon rider over lush vineyards and breathtaking mountains . Wow! Its like moving in heaven.

  7. Andrew says

    First of all congratulations for such a beautiful post describing the beauty of Melbourne.

    As far as the videos are concerned I would like to visit the great ocean road and have a peaceful walk all alone with the nature. When ever I think of Australia only thing comes to mind is walkabout. And great ocean road is such a beautiful place to experience it.

  8. says

    I would love to visit St. Kilda beach in Melbourne and also enjoy watching the Penguin parade there..The serene beauty of the beach coupled with watching the cute penguins in their natural surroundings is sure to make my visit a memorable one! Ofcourse I am going to carry a camera and click lots of pictures to capture all the happy moments there 🙂

  9. Vidith says

    Being a person who loves to travel this place has struck my eye.
    And here, Eureka Skydeck 88 is going to be first on my list.. i can just imagine the view after reading about it and i feel its going to be awesome.
    Then the St. Kilda Beach,the long walk on the beach during the sunset will be just perfect.. And finding gold is also there.. 😀
    why not get my pockets filled with some tresure hunt..Laneways and Arcades is going to be the place to explore my “Lara croft” skills.. 😀 😀
    Melbourne is going to be a great place to visit and enjoy a holiday..

  10. says

    Amazing Article.
    If I get a chance to visit Melbourne then
    I would like to spend my time in the Great Otway National Park, because I love watching animals. I would love to take a city tour by travelling on the Tram’s of Melbourne. By travelling in tram’s I want to explore every nook & corner of Melbourne. Besides this I would love to watch the amazing architectures of Melbourne like Eureka Tower, Royal Exhibition Building, etc. And without enjoying festivals, my journey would be incomplete so I will celebrate Australian Festivals.
    And how can I forget The MCG (Melbourne Cricket Ground). As cricket is my favourite sport I would love to watch the Cricket world cup final which will take place at the largest stadium of Australia, that is, MCG.

    – Manu
    Harstuff Travel –

  11. says

    Amazing Post!! Greatly articulated..

    If I get a chance to visit Melbourne then
    I would like to spend my time in the Great Otway National Park, because I love watching animals. I would love to take a city tour by travelling on the Tram’s of Melbourne. By travelling in tram’s I want to explore every nook & corner of Melbourne. Besides this I would love to watch the amazing architectures of Melbourne like Eureka Tower, Royal Exhibition Building, etc. And without enjoying festivals, my journey would be incomplete so I will celebrate Australian Festivals.
    And how can I forget The MCG (Melbourne Cricket Ground). As cricket is my favourite sport I would love to watch the Cricket world cup final which will take place at the largest stadium of Australia, that is, MCG.

    – Wanderer

    Blog Name: Meandering through twilight –

    Melbourne Post:


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