Together forever

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As I mentioned in my previous post I had to make a tough choice for a new dawn and a new start to my life. That choice led me to Mumbai. When I started the journey to Mumbai I was thinking about the friends I am leaving behind as I won’t be having any of them by my side in Mumbai. Being an introvert it was tough making friends. But it all changed. Before starting to Mumbai I got in touch with fellow new joiners who are traveling from Chennai to Mumbai through Orkut group of our company. During the flight journey we spoke to each other and get to know each other. After landing in Mumbai we went to the allocated guest house.

In that guest house (Apartments to be precise) there was a flat with three bed rooms which was allotted to myself and 5 others. Our flat had people from Tamil Nadu, Delhi, Punjab and Andhra Pradesh. During the course of three months stay, we become closer like a family. We roamed Mumbai together and had so much fun. Those moments will remain in hearts for eternity.

Time came for placement in project as training got completed after three months. Among the six of us four got project in Bangalore and remaining two got projects in Mumbai itself. The togetherness continued in Bangalore as we stayed under a single roof for two years. Whenever we get an opportunity we try to get together and meet the Mumbai guys. Everyone with different dreams stayed together and chased the Dreams together. Even though we worked in different projects we helped each other during difficulties and encouraged everyone and acted as the source of optimism and motivation. During difficulties lots of people will come forward and share their advices. But only true friends remain together and lend their shoulder and hand. Its that small act of being together gives the little nude which used to get us back in the game. As times passed by, we took our own paths and shifted companies, but we never felt alone, because we were still together in our thoughts.

Recently we planned for a get together in Goa (Bachelor’s party) as one of our Gang member (Badmash Company as we were called during our training days :P) was getting married. It bought back so many good memories. At present most from our group are in onsite and every one is settled and at the last leg of fulfilling their dreams. This happened because we stayed together.

Life as a journey is never traveled alone. We are always together with someone. It can be family , friends, relatives . So never let go of the togetherness. Only it can lead to happiness and success.

#Lookup & Dream #together & #StartANewLife !!

For understanding more such power of being #together visit

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