A story to end

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It was half past nine and dad had just came back from the office. As he saw the kids bedroom door was half open, he went to check and close the door. Upon seeing his dad the kid started the conversation.

K: Dad I am not getting any sleep. Can you tell me a story?

D: sure kiddo

Dad goes up to the kid and sits near the bed side and starts to tell a story.

D: Once upon a time …

Kid interrupts

K: Dad why you always start with once upon a time. tell me something different

D: Okay. Long time ago there was a ..

K: dad !! dad !! you are again doing the same. I want a different story in different style

D: A fox was walking through the forest .He saw a crow sitting on a tree branch with a fine piece of cheese in her beak.

K: And the fox stole the cheese. This is stupid story dad. you know nothing. why don’t you weave a story for me so I can sleep in peace?

Dad gets irritated but cools himself down

D: As you said I am boring and I dono how to weave a story, so you yourself tell a good story

K: Hear me dad. Far far away in a small and old house, there was a broken pipe. Instead of water, tears came out of it. As the pipe was broken tears gushed through it and the tears never stopped.

D: And then?

K: Close the door and go to sleep !!

——————————————- THE END —————————————————

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