Shave and Save Your Dream

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About two years ago when I was working in Bangalore most of my friends started job search to make a switch. I also started the search journey thinking the change will be good. I had a few companies in mind which I would call my dream work place.

So after preparing a decent resume, I started uploading in job portals and also in career Web page of my favorite dream companies.

One fine day I got a call from my dream company and to my surprise they told my CV was short listed for a technical round as a telephonic interview later that week followed by Face to face HR interview in weekend if I clear the previous round.

I was so excited. I prepared day and night skimming Web pages and study materials to prepare myself for the interview. The day finally arrived and I was checking my mobile for call notification every 2 minutes. When the mobile Rang, I took it immediately and the call went for about an hour.

That went well. I did answer many of the questions correctly. Before ending the call I asked the interviewer how did I fare? . He said I did well and I will be getting a call/ mail soon. I was overwhelmed.

Still I had to wait for two weeks to get the follow up email. The waiting period was killing. But the joy of getting the email over powered it. In the mail it was mentioned to reach the office on following weekend for a face to face interview with HR.

All of my friends and colleagues congratulated me saying HR interview is just a formality, you have got your dream job. Well done. I couldn’t control my joy. It was like being on cloud nine.

Days passed by very slowly and finally it was Saturday morning, time to go for HR interview. I got myself ready, took a ironed pair of jeans and Polo tee and took off to the venue with excitement.

After reaching I was made to sit out and wait outside a conference room. Then someone came out and called my name. I went in. Shook hands with the HR and took my seat. I answered each question thrown at me politely. All of a sudden she asked a question “We are looking for a complete professional candidate, you look way to casual. Will you be able to handle it?” I was shell shocked and couldn’t gave a instant answer. She then responded “You couldn’t even find time to shave your beard for an interview. Is this an attitude you will keep during a client visit? “. I couldn’t answer a thing as I wasn’t expecting this kind of question. She then said we will update you through email later.

It’s been years and still I haven’t received an email. I felt to complacent and paid the price for it by getting rejected in my dream job.

Cave men had beards because They didn’t have the luxury of Gillette. We modern men have the advanced technology razors from Gillette. Use it. Shave and save your dream.

I have accepted Swarna’s tag for this post and would like to tag my blogger friend Amit for #WillYouShave activity.

‘This post is a part of #WillYouShave activity
at BlogAdda in association with Gillette‘.

Get your own Gillette Razors from Flipkart !!

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