Say no to classroom hunger

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HUNGER is a universal problem which is faced by millions of people all over the world.
We often seem to append poor people with hunger. But it ain’t right. Not all poor people are hungry but all most all hungry people are poor.

Food is a basic amenity which everyone should possess.  Due to financial difficulties many are left to starve which leads to malnutrition.  This leads children to take up work in order to feed.  Child laborers give up their childhood to feed their families.

Our government came up with the mid day meal scheme to provide free meal for kids in government and government aided schools so they don’t starve and get a good basic education.

My mom being a teacher in a government school in rural slum area, I have witnessed many kids who turn up to school just for getting the free meal.

When I was in school I eagerly wait for the lunch bell to ring,  so me and my friends can share our food, gossip and have loads of fun. And during college days we use to overeat during lunch and take a nap in evening classes.

It is saddening to hear and see that so many kids starve and yet come to learn to shape their future. There are many drastic effects from these hunger. I have heard that people turn to alcohols and cigarettes as it kills the appetite. But it continues and it becomes an addiction.

Now comes a point where we have to think how to stop this and prevent the classroom hunger

  • Write a blog post! Yes you heard it right. Even this post is  for that campaign. Akshaya Patra and BlogAdda together have come up with a campaign where in they will donate food for a child whole year for one blog post.  Why are you waiting? Start blogging now.
  • How much do you think it costs to feed a child for a year?  750/- rupee only.  We spent so much on taking care of our appearance by buying branded apparels, grooming and for maintaining a social status we often give treats and party. If we just take a fraction that and donate 750 bucks or whatever we are capable to Akshaya Patra a child can stay of hunger for a year.

I am going to #BlogToFeedAChild with Akshaya Patra and BlogAdda.

Invest in people and empower them for a better tomorrow!!

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