Raise Your Standard

Sharing is Caring !!

It’s Christmas season all around the globe and time to share the glad tidings of joy to everyone. Christmas is all about sharing and caring for our needy brothers and sisters. It is the time of the year when we thank GOD for all things he has done for us the past year.

No matter how much GOD blesses us financially, we humans always desire for things we dont have and increase our expenditures to live a luxorious life thinking all those are legitimate needs.

These luxuries we indulge overselves mostly spoils us rather than putting us in a comfort zone.

So lets take a time and think. This year and onwards let us pledge to Raise our Standard of Giving rather than raising our standard of living.

There are lot of people around the world who deprive from hunger due to poverty. Staticstics show that so many kids suffer from malnutirion and hunger becomes hobby for them.

Its in OUR HANDS to prevent this. Let us all stop finding more ways to spend money and DONATE. The happiness attained from making others happy is bliss.

This post is part of #BlogToFeedAChild activity by Akshaya Patra and BlogAdda , where in Blogadda will donate meal for a kid a whole year when someone makes a blog post. Start blogging and start giving.

Donating is giving back to the socitey we live in as the children will become the future pillars of the same society.

I am going to #BlogToFeedAChild with Akshaya Patra and BlogAdda.

So this christmas lets be a santa in some kids life and share the happiness 🙂

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  1. says

    I am an Atheist and obviously not going to thank the so called God for any reason whatsoever it may be. But the pledge which you ask your readers to take is a good initiative. Resource redistribution is the need of the hour. Kudos!!!

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