Celebrate Grandparents Day

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Sunday, September 10 is National Grandparents’ Day. And while it’s great to have a day devoted to our grandparents, it’s more important to take care of them year-round. Here are 10 ways you can help your grandparents remain happy and healthy well into their old age.

1. Cook them a meal.

Your grandparents have probably cooked you more meals than you can count. Now, it’s time to return the favor! But instead of making a dish loaded with fat, try something that will boost their brains instead.

2. Call them.

Maintaining social interaction is one of the best ways to ward off dementia. So be sure to call your grandparents regularly! They’ll be thrilled to hear about your life. Plus, you might learn something from all the sage advice they dispense.

3. Teach them how to use technology.

Sure, trying to teach your grandparents how to use a computer might be frustrating. But they’ll be working their brains by learning a new skill, and you’ll help make their lives so much easier! And if you live far away, you’ll save a ton of money if your grandparents learn how to use Skype.

4. Help them create a memory book.

The more you remember, the more you’re able to remember. Help keep your grandparents’ brains sharp by creating a memory book with them. Be sure to include both recent events and events from decades ago so you’re working their long- and short-term memory. Better yet, take them on a trip down memory lane and see what stories come to mind. You’ll learn a ton about your own family history this way.

5. Visit when you can.

Skyping and calling are great, but nothing beats a visit from the grandkids! Make sure you budget in at least one trip each year. Spending quality time with your grandparents will boost their mood and help combat any depression they might be facing.

6. Encourage exercise.

Like social interaction, exercise is another great way to stay healthy even into old age. So encourage your grandparents to keep up with their physical fitness. If you live far away, maybe you can inspire them with your own fitness challenges and by asking about theirs. Live close by? Try stopping by once a week to go out on a walk together.

7. Send them a brain game.

If you want to send your grandparents a present for National Grandparents’ Day, try sending one they’ll enjoy and that will help them.

8. Check out their house.

Your grandparents’ living environment will cue you into any early warning signs they might not be doing so well. So when you do visit, make sure you spend some time at their house! Make sure it’s clean and livable, and watch out for any potential dangers as your grandparents get older – like slippery staircases.

9. Help out your parents.

Your parents are already likely doing the things we mentioned above. While we don’t want you to stress out about your grandparents’ health, your parents will definitely appreciate any extra help – so ask if there’s something specific you can do. And if your grandparents have already passed away, be sure to reach out to your parents on Sunday! They might be having a hard time and need some support.

10. Stay respectful.

Your aging grandparents might be losing some of their mental function. But that’s no reason to treat them like a child! Unless your grandparents are endangering their own safety, let them make their own decisions. You are still the grandchild and thus need to remain respectful of their wishes. Leave the tough battles to your parents, who your grandparents are much more likely to listen to.

I look forward to hear from you how would you celebrate Grandparents Day. Do share a selfie with your grandparents on Sept. 10, 2017 on Twitter or Facebook with #LoveJatao & tag @blogadda to win a goodie from Parachute Advansed.

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