Bedtime Rituals

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Well, I could relate to few of the pleasant moments I had shared with my niece when she was just a baby.

It was almost 4 years back. Being part of an MNC working in a UK Shift I would always reach home around 1:30 AM in the night.

Initially I used to feel bad of coming back so late as I had to wake my parents up at middle of the night, But chose to live with it as its part and parcel of the job.This turned out to be a pleasantry nights when my sister came home for her child delivery. She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and then on-wards, the nights were amazing.


My niece use to sleep in the morning and would be awake in the middle of the night. In fact she made it a habit in such a way that as soon as she hears the sound of the vehicle outside the door, she woke up and starts playing. Since my Mom and my Sis used to take care of her in the morning, they will be exhausted by night. That gave me complete freedom of taking care of her. I quickly finish my dinner and used to play with her for some time. Then I make her sleep by putting her gently on the lap. Initially, when she was a baby, she use to go to sleep quickly but after 3 months or so, the gentle shake did not get much effect and she refused to sleep. I had to increase the speed in order to make her sleep and she slept happily.

As far as my knowledge goes, she had never cried for any inconvenience or for hunger. During weekends, It took longer time in make her sleep. Till then,I used to sing lullabies and also use to make some action with my hands which was more than enough to make her feel tempted and happy.

When she grew up, she had always used to stare at us when we had ice cream or any colorful food items and she indirectly made gestures with her mouth and ever since, we made it a point of not eating anything awesome in front of her. She was also so naughty that when we use to watch television, she also tried to rotate her head to stare at television. For her sake, we even stopped watching television when she was awake.

Though these were few things we cannot live without in our day to day life, when one has a baby at home, sacrifices becomes a common scenario and you do it with utmost happiness because it is a “PLEASANT PAIN” and you would never mind sacrificing your television, food, time or just anything else. I am sure, you all will agree with me 🙂

Take a look at the video and enjoy !!

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