Sharing is Caring

We live in the modern world, the 21st century where everyone talks about equalities in everything. But we forget the most common statement “The change must first come from within the individual, only then can he or she attempt to make a significant contribution to humanity“. Recent researches suggest that even now women engage in lions share of housework despite the raise in working women. This not only happens in rural village areas, this is common everywhere even in developed metropolitan cities.

The domestic household chores, such as cooking, cleaning, washing, food shopping, taking care of sick relatives & elderly are labelled as women’s work in our society. These Gender inequalities are deep rooted in social structures and also in people’s attitudes. These thoughts are so deep rooted, that even many women think its their primary job to do the household chores. These stuffs adds a lot of burden to working women, as they have to manage both personal and professional life within a smaller time frame which adds to stress and health deterioration.

Growing up in a family with two sisters, my parents always used to say ‘Sharing is Caring’, ‘Share everything equally with your sisters’. Sharing makes the world a better place. It makes two souls happier. The person sharing the load/helping others will feel better for doing a good deed. The person receiving the help will also feel better because they realize there are actually people who care about them. Sharing is very important in relationships too. It makes people come closer.  It brings harmony and peace among the people.

With Changing times, many men have voiced their support to Sharing the load. Its shouldn’t just end with raising their opinions, men should pull their weight more and share the load. To show my support, I took part in the Ariel #WashBucketChallenge this week to #ShareTheLoad of household chores and reduce the burden on my mom.

Here is me helping in household chores!!

Ariel two

That smile from MUM seeing me doing the laundry, so she can take a nap/ spend time watching her favorite soap opera — PRICELESS. I will #SHARETHELOAD again & again as Laundry is not a women’s job, its meant to be shared 🙂

Family is all about loving, caring and sharing. So lets take a pledge and share the load and lessen the burden on our mothers, sisters and better halves.

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